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Consideration of others

The player who has the "honour" drawn by lot on the first tee, (NOT the lowest handicap player, specified in "The Rules of Golf") should be allowed to tee-off first and should do so without delay. 

You should not talk, stand close or otherwise distract fellow players while they are taking their shots. 

Don't play until the group in front of you is out of range. 

If you lose a ball and it is obvious that it will not be found easily, signal the group behind to play through. Do not wait the five minutes allowed under the "Rules of Golf" for ball searching, before doing so. (If you believe a ball may be lost immediately after you have hit it, play a provisional ball.) 

When completing a hole, move off the green immediately. Leave the marking of scorecards, etc. until you are well clear. 

Please avoid the use of mobile telephones on the course, consider others and switch ring tones off. 

Keep moving as quickly as you are able whilst walking between shots. 

No sharing of clubs, bags or trolleys because this slows play.



Before leaving a bunker, make sure that you smooth over all holes and footprints with the rake. 

Always replace divots on the fairways and repair pitch marks on putting surfaces. (If a pitch mark is repaired immediately it only takes 24 hours to recover. Leave it and it could take up to 15 days !). 

Don't take your bag or golf trolley near the putting greens or between green and bunker and take care not to damage the hole when removing the flagstick. 

Don't damage the teeing areas by taking practice swings on them. 

Observe all notices regarding "Ground Under Repair" and keep to the designated paths, especially when pulling a trolley. 

Avoid walking on worn areas even if this adds a few yards to your direct route.



Two-ball matches take precedence over three and four-ball matches and should be invited to play through. 

You should ensure that you keep pace with the group in front of you at all times. If, however, you should fall behind by more than one clear hole, you must signal the group directly behind you to play through. 

A single player has no standing and should give way to a match of any kind. 

9-Hole course - second rounds (when paid for) must be started from the first tee, queuing alternately with players waiting to tee off.



Shout "Fore" if your golf ball is in danger of hitting someone. 

Make sure that no one is in a position to be struck by your club, ball or any other object like stones or twigs when making a stroke. 

Do not stand in front or to the side of anyone taking a tee shot or other stroke. Stay well behind. 

Good golfers always respect the course and other golfers

If you have any questions regarding any of these points, please contact the golf shop staff.



Tel : 01895 272457
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